ScrapBook will now download the current page and also all linked ConfTool pages and required files of the selected types. For HTTrack, please copy the current address from your browser as starting address. Use this page as starting point for the copy process described below. Important: To create the browsable copy, click on the tab “More…” and activate the " Page View for Export" first. If everything is fine, please make the conference schedule (temporarily) accessible to public (because tools like HTTrack are not logged in to your ConfTool installation) and go to the page: Overview => Conference Program Scheduling => Create and Modify Sessions For each session you can define, whether abstracts and downloads shall be displayed.(Please note that all e-mails are JavaScript encoded against spam robots.) You can enable or disable general settings for the session overview, like the display of e-mail-addresses. Overview => Conference Program Scheduling => Main Settings for Conference Session Overview

1, 2, or 3" in the section "Download Settings". and for each contribution type enable or disable "Accessibility of File No. Overview => Settings => Manage Submission Types / Conference Track